Safety measures to confront against COVID 19 spread via School Furniture

The world is facing the worst pandemic in this century. It is not ceasing to stop or contain and is not going anywhere. Government and health authorities have put their best foot forward, but the infection is growing, and the death rate is increasing. Most countries have imposed lockdowns that have shut businesses and educational institutions.

It is the worst situation faced by mankind, and people are grappling for a livelihood. The transmission of Coronavirus is through respiratory droplets of an infected person when he talks, sneezes or coughs. If you happen to touch the same surface that was touched by an infected person, there is a higher chance of you getting infected when you touch your eyes, mouth and nose.


People of age group below 14 and above 60 are more prone to the infection, and this is the sole reason why schools are shut. Infection can easily spread in a school environment. A class will easily have a minimum of 50 students, and it is not easy to contain them. The infection will easily spread through solid surfaces like school desks and chairs.

Education cannot be bought to a standstill and it is continuing in the online platform but that is not a permanent solution. Schools need to get accustomed to the new normal and must impart education in the safest possible way. Inspace being the leading School Furniture Manufacturer in Chennai elucidates on the maintenance of your school furniture to avoid transmission of corona infection in Schools.

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Corona Free School Desks And Chairs

The school premises, school desks and chairs and all common surfaces should be sanitized before reopening. Schools need to revamp their curriculum and timetable in such a way that only a minimum class strength can be maintained. Students should be encouraged to wear masks while in school. There must be a common disposal area where one can dispose of gloves and masks. The cleaning staff should be appointed to disinfect classrooms at regular intervals. Regular cleaning should include common surfaces like school desks, chairs, doorknobs, cupboards, windows, and switchboard.

The schools should maintain an adequate supply of masks, paper towels, hand sanitizers, soap and tissues. Disposable wipes should be kept in classrooms and labs so teachers can use it while handling keyboards, desks and remote controls. The teachers must ensure that sick students don’t attend classes with other students. They must be immediately isolated, and parents should be informed. The duration of school and class hours can be shortened to provide adequate time for cleaning and sanitisation. Schools will have to dismantle transportation and let parents drop and pick up students directly. This will avoid crowds in school buses and vans.

It is important that the students and staff are made aware of the current situation. They may know about it from their own experience and from the news, but they may not know how to conduct themselves in schools. It is imperative that schools conduct awareness programs to train them on the new normal at school. Adequate precautions and preventive measures will help schools to function in the new normal without any risk of infection.

New Normal At Schools

While in a classroom, teachers should ensure that the students maintain social distancing. The classroom should be arranged in such a way that it aids social distancing. Desks and tables must be lightweight that can be easily moved. The desks and chairs should be kept six feet away from each other. Students should not be allowed to sit or stand in a group, whether inside class or outside. They must be allowed to go to the restroom or library one by one. The school should avoid all gatherings like assemblies, cultural and sports events.

Cleanliness and hygiene should be part and parcel of a school along with education. Students should be educated on good hygienic practices. They must emphasize on regular hand washing and hand sanitisation. It should be made as rules just as how every period is conducted so both students and teachers will follow. Students should not be allowed to touch the common surfaces. They must come and leave the classroom one by one, so physical distancing can be maintained. Schools should ensure a smooth transition into the new normal so things will not be too tough for students to follow.